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Complete membership by selecting one of the following two payment options:
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Individual Membership $40/year

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Family Membership $70/year

By paying membership dues you agree to accept the by-laws and policies of Soulboarders, Inc.


You understand that membership expires on June 30th of each year and is renewable by the first meeting in October.


In consideration of the mutual benefits derived from membership in the Soulboarders, and acknowledging the hazards inherent in Winter sports, by paying membership dues you hereby assume all risks and absolves, releases and waives any and all liability, claims or demands against Soulboarders Inc., its officers, directors, and each and every member thereof which may arise out of or be related to an injury or pecuniary loss by reason of said membership, through participation in any club activity year round.

Use your moblie app, or click on the link below to make payment via Chase QuickPay.


Use the email:


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